Directions to East Kentwood game (Crestwood Middle School at 2674 44th St SE, Kentwood, MI )

1. Take US-131 north to Exit 79 (44th Street) and turn right (east).

2. Continue east on 44th Street 3.3 miles to Crestwood Middle School on the right side of the road.

3. Just past the school, turn right on the drive and continue south to the field, which is way behind the school.

note- if you come via M-6 and Kalamazoo Ave at the high school, continue north on Kalmazoo and turn right (east) on 52nd St, then left (north) on Breton, then right (northeast) on Walma and left (west) on the narrow drive to the soccer field..

Estimated distance from PNHS 52 miles (54 minutes)

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To see a map from East Kentwood High School of how to get to the soccer field from their high school (near M-6 & Kalamazoo) click here.

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